Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Loren and Norma's Wedding Album

On April 27, 2018, my brother Loren Swiney married my mother-in-law, Norma.  They had both lost their mates to cancer in the last few years.  Loren was 22 when I was born... Norma was 22 when Larry was born.  They are both 79.  We are all so very happy for them.

I put together this wedding album for them at www.snapfish.com.  I finished and ordered it a week ago yesterday, and was told it would arrive Friday, the 22nd.  I've been waiting with all my might and main -------- and then I got an email a couple of hours ago, telling me the book had arrived, and had been delivered to my front porch!

I dashed to the door so fast, I ran over both cats, tipped over the couch, and blew the chandelier off the ceiling.

I never exaggerate.

After looking through the book, I called Loren and Norma, told them I had something for them, and asked if I could bring it.  I could, and I did, and I have.  They were pleased and happy and delighted with their album, which is a 12" x 12" Premium Flatfold.  It really did turn out nice.  

Here are the screen shots I took of it at Snapfish.  It's a whole lot better in person!
(Click to enlarge.)