Friday, April 3, 2015

A Collection of Wits

A Collection of Wits
Collecting my wits, I tackle with gravity
A task I must not approach with levity;
For my inestimable teacher did this week assign
A truculent toil (of which I won’t whine).
Although sorely subjugated by this chore,
I refuse to be annihilated in the war;
So, pitching a bivouac and digging in tight,
I attempt to alleviate my bogged-down plight.
With sharpened acumen, and pencil tip, too,
I aggravate friends and make enemies anew;
My neighbors who sit in nearest proximity
Feel the effect of impending antiquity.
My loquacious manner, which vexes my pals,
Makes taciturn mollusks amend their locales;
Fearing reprisal, should my good grades languish,
I assuage the inevitable, which lessens my anguish.
With diurnal diligence and industry unflagging,
I work till my eyelids with fatigue are a-sagging;
The literary atrocities I often make
Will not with impunity produce a mistake.
Becoming nocturnal before this job’s done,
Nevertheless, it’s been lots of fun;
But if this assignment should come through again,
Think it not strange if my brain’s in a spin!

Written for an English and grammar class.  
There was a long list of words we were to include in poem or prose.  
Yep, they're all in there!  ;-)

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