Friday, April 3, 2015

How I Love Him

How I Love Him

Far over the earth, the heaven is high,
 Yet the Lord hears me when to Him I cry.
He is my strength, He is my light;
 His song shall be with me in the night.
Though poor and needy, He thinketh of me;
 I will rejoice when His mercy I see!
When my heart is troubled, He pleadeth my cause,
 For I love His precepts, I delight in His laws!
’Though sometimes my weeping lasts all the night through,
 Joy in the morning He giveth anew.
In the secret of His presence I have been hidden;
 The device of the wicked my Lord hath forbidden.
I have found in the Lord the fountain of life,
 And under His wings am I sheltered from strife;
I’ll be of good courage--He’ll forsake me never:
With all my heart will I love Him forever!